Kohala UTV Adventure, or as we call it in-house, KUA (more on that in a minute), is a Hawai’i company staffed and run by kama’āina o Kohala (people born of Kohala) – we are not your “locals” who arrived here last month on the Carnival cruise ship. Our executive staff of Bernelle Camara, Raynae Kanehailua-Baldos, and Bill Shontell are all Kohala kama’āina – born, raised, and living here in the land of their ancestors.
As such, we are deeply rooted in the ‘āina (land) of Kohala and care deeply about its history, its people, and its future.
The mission of KUA is to provide our guests with a lasting appreciation and understanding of our North Kohala home. We accomplish this via the sharing of our stories and folklore in a stunning setting that make for an unforgettable experience. KUAʻs tours also contribute in a meaningful way to the economic well-being of our isolated home.
“We will always strive to set the standard for balancing the economic benefits of recreational tourism with preservation and perpetuation of our historical, cultural, and natural resources here in Kohala. It is our sincere hope that our guests will leave Kohala with life-long memories of a unique experience in Hawaii and an appreciation of our North Kohala home and its people.” (Bernelle Camara, GM of KUA and a native daughter of Kohala)
So whatʻs the deal with the KUA thing? Well, it’s merely a small play on words. Kua is part of many Hawaiian words, including words associated with the sort of places that Kohala UTV Adventure takes you to: kua’āina (back country), kuahiwi (mountain), kualapa (ridge), kualipi (sharp mountain ridge), kualono (near the mountain top), kuamo’o (trail, path), and my favorite, kuaola (verdant mountain, where all thrives and grows).